How To Destroy and Seize Power of a Nation (does any of the following look familiar?):
[01] Divide the nation philosophically (by fueling hatred and divisions based on race; color; gender; religion; culture; illegal immigration; profession; wealth; political beliefs; vaccination status; education methods; 2nd amendment rights to bear arms; economic policies;  and whatever other mechanisms that are convenient to create chaos, societal disorder,  and divide the people into "US" and "THEM", so that a majority can never exist to challenge and remove their power;  that is, Group#2 master-cheaters convince the Group#1 cheaters into putting the Group#2 master-cheaters in control, and also convince the Group#1 cheaters to attack others that oppose them;
[02] Cause distrust of the police authority (e.g. defund the police; denigrate and fuel hatred of the police; create chaos; etc.);
[03] Disarm the citizens and ignore the 2nd amendment right to bear arms;
[04] Swarm the nation's borders indiscriminately and unconstitutionally; despicably pit U.S. citizens and illegal immigrants against each other; increase electoral votes (based on the decennial census) via massive illegal immigration;
[05] Overburden citizens with unfair taxation; perpetuate the myth that we can all live equally in luxury at the expense of everyone else; legal plunder; etc.;
[06] Encourage lawlessness, hatred, rioting, burning, looting, violence, and discourage accountability (e.g. catch-and-release; eliminating or paying the bail to release criminals; characterize rioting and violence as "mostly peaceful protesting"; etc.); encourage harassment and moblike behavior toward those who  do not comply with the growing tyranny; persecute and imprison those that do not comply (e.g. holding 6-JAN-2021 rioters without bail, without being charged for long periods of time, and within deplorable conditions; etc.); pervert the laws to acquire more power and control (e.g. weaponization of the FBI, DOJ, IRS, EPA, NLRB, etc.)
; ignore and disparage the U.S. Constitution (especially  Article V; the 1st, 2nd, 10th, 12th, Section 1 of 14th, and the 26th amendments of the U.S. Constitution; etc.);
[07] Control the voter ballot counting process; engage in massive voter fraud (e.g.  give drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants and register them to vote at the same time; resist voter-registration and cleaning up the voter registration; bribe illegal immigrants with promises of amnesty and free-stuff, and encourage them to vote; ignore, trivialize, and hide data about crime by illegal immigrants, and the untold costs of illegal immigration;  etc.); 
[08] Control the message by controlling the Main-Stream-Media and news-sources; censor opposing speech and ideas; rewrite history (e.g. brainwashing children for generations by teaching  CRT to children in public schools; ignore history of the deeds of the party's past 160+ years; cheaters twist history to divide people into "US" and "THEM" by capitalizing on their envy and jealousy so they can disguise it as demands for equality; etc.);
[09] Control and grow the portion of the electorate, who have a predilection for envy, jealousy, hatred, and sloth; all fostered by promises of all sorts of free stuff, amnesty, free college tuition, loan forgiveness, free monthly income, and convenient methods to disguise their envy, jealousy, hatred, and laziness as demands for equality;

[10] Create chaos with economic instability:  debauch the currency and disrupt the economy (e.g. via massive inflation; create shortages;  grow the debt beyond nightmare proportions; bribe voters with their own tax dollars and promises of free-stuff; and use excuses such as global-warming to facilitate the redistribution of wealth; etc.);

Does any of the above look familiar to you (today, over the last decade, or over the last 160+ years)?
Who (which groups of cheaters) are behind the deeds listed above (today, and in the past), and how can you recognize them?
Why?  What is the motive for the deeds listed above (to create chaos, division, and hate)?
Part of the solution is Education. and we are going to get our education one way or another.
The electorate is culpable too, who will utilimately choose how they will get their education: