To-Do List for the U.S.A.

(01) First, reduce voter-fraud as follows (below):

(a) carefully monitor all elections; 
(b) do not allow any easily-falsified mail-in ballots (except official absentee ballots requested by the voter), and ensure that all ballots can be forensically verified;  invalid ballots should be disqualified until forensically examined;  in the 2020 election, much of the evidence to forensically examine ballots was destroyed.
(c) require voter registration, and require proof of citizenship to fill out a voting ballot or a census form (since the census determines the total electoral votes for each state);
(d) and prosecute violators.
IF elections are illegitimate, then most (if not all) of the other steps below will also FAIL:   (voter fraud exists)  (there was voter fraud in 2020)

(02) Stop all benefits to illegal immigrants; deport criminal illegal immigrants;   ( > 2,000 per year)  (costs: $1.1 Billion per day = $400 Billion per year)

(03) Stop massive importation of legal and illegal immigrants (for more voters and electoral votes);

(04) Defund sancutuary cities and states (violating exitsing federal immigration laws), and those that are defunding their police;

(05) Secure the borders; prosecute greedy employers of  illegal immigrants;

(06) Stop the brainwashing and indoctrination of our children in schools with Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other twisted and leftist ideaologies;
        Teach the following: 
Quality of Governance = P ± V ± E ± T ± A  

(07) Unleash the nation's ability to be energy independent; reduce unnecessary fees; unnecessary bureaucracy;  bans on pipelines (which forces the use of tanker trucks for transportation of oil and gas);  unnecessary shutdowns of existing pipelines; etc.;

(08) Greatly reduce all unnecessary federal spending, which is causing rampant 40-year-hight inflation;

Call an Article V Convention (e.g. term limits; one-purpose-per-bill; tax-reform; balanced-budget-amendment;  ban mandates for masks and vaccines; campaign finance reform; secure the U.S. borders; enforce existing laws or invite more lawlessness;  etc.);

(10) Prosecute government officials who weaponize the government for political, nefarious, and illegal purposes;   (democrats weaponized FBI, DOB, IRS, etc.);  (weaponization via hoax after hoax);  (promotion of moblike behavior);   (democrats ignored this, but exaggerated 6-JAN-2021);

(11) Indict and/or impeach Joe Biden for these crimes, and/or signs of incompetence:
   (wrecking everything he touches);  (also during Obama administration);
        Hold criminals accountable, or invite more crime and lawlessness;

(12) Reform the federal reserve and monetary system and government spending, that causes rampant inflation since AUG-1971;
  (debauching the currency);      
        (click and roll mouse wheel to enlarge)
(13) Eliminate all infringements on the 2nd amendment (and other laws too); many democrats want to restrict or abolish the 2nd amendment, and say it is worth it "even if it saves only one life", but democrats and similar ilk hypocritically ignore about 2,000 homicides per year by criminal non-citizens;

        (compare this cost to (13) below for the yearly interest on the national debt below)

(14) Eliminate most of this bloat and waste:

(15) Fiscal reform; the federal government should not tax and print money to send back to states; any federal  money left over should be used to pay down the national debt, which is at nightmare proportions ($29 Trillion as of NOV-2021:;  spending limits need to be created to stop perpetual and rampant deficit spending;  laws need to be created to force government to start reducing the $29 Trillion national debt annually by an amount that exceeds the annual  interest on national debt by at least 10% (which would be about $562.4 Billion + $56.24 Billion (e.g. 10%) = $618.6 Billion per year as of year 2021); otherwise, the debt continues to grow ever larger due to the annual interest on the debt (about 1.94% of the natonal debt per year, paid annually with more borrowed money, created out of thin air):

(16) Campaign finance reform;  government should not be FOR-SALE; million$ and billion$ are being spent in elections (e.g. Terry McAuliffe illegally received $350K from a organization in a foreign country (UK)).

(17) Ban vaccine mandates; no vaccine is 100% safe;  forcing a person to be vaccinated, who subsequently dies from the vaccine, was essentially murdered;
Otherwise, the government will become more corrupt and oppressive, while attempting to control everything, while being accountable for nothing.

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