Quality of Governance = Q = P ± V ± E ± T ± A
Selfishness encapsulates what many refer to as the seven deadly sins (greed, envy, sloth, pride, lust, wrath, and gluttony).

We have laws, and the U.S. Constitution, but those are not sufficient, without also sufficient levels of the following 5 components (see below) which determine the levels of Responsibility and/or Corruption (to varying degrees), which =  Quality of Governance = Q = P ± V ± E ± T ± A 
More emphasis is needed on the 5 components above, which should be as important (if not more important) than the U.S. Constitution and the Laws of the Land.
Many abuses could be reduced or eliminated with more common-sense Transparency, Accountability, and Education. 

Factoring in Human Nature