How to Recognize the 4 Groups of People:
Most people, naturally, seek security and prosperity with the least amount of effort and pain. There is nothing wrong with that, and most people in most nations are ethical and law abiding (otherwise, we would have wide-spread chaos, war, lawlessness, and societal disorder). But, it is dangerous to ignore this fact of human nature.
At the most basic level, the root cause of the majority of our problems are due to excessive selfishness by some people, and IF their numbers (i.e. the cheaters and parasites) become too great, then societies, organizations, and/or governments
FAILSome people (i.e. cheaters and parasites) will resort to unethical and/or illegal methods (to varying degrees) for self gain.
Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize and identify cheaters and parasites.    

There can sometimes be some overlap between groups, and identifying cheaters is not simple (due to widespread propaganda), until the damage is already done.

Many cheaters are attracted to positions of power and control, and places where they can abuse others for there own gain, and that is where they can also do the most damage.
For example, consider Congress.  There is no shortage of good and common-sense ideas to resolve many of our problems, but unfortunately, Congress is where good and common-sense ideas go to die, because too many in Congress (in all political parties) are cheaters.  Some politicians have a long history of doing despicable things to acquire more votes, money, power, and control.  Yet, due to lack of Education, many are not aware of their history.

Selfishness is the root problem, which encapsulates what many call the seven deadly sins (greed, envy, sloth, pride, lust, wrath, and gluttony).
We have laws, and the U.S. Constitution, but those are not sufficient, without also sufficient levels of the following 5 components (see below) which determine the levels of Responsibility and/or Corruption (to varying degrees), which =  Quality of Governance = Q = P ± V ± E ± T ± A
More emphasis is needed on the 5 components above, which should be as important (if not more important) than the U.S. Constitution and the Laws of the Land.
Many abuses could be reduced or eliminated with more common-sense Transparency, Accountability, and Education.