The Joe Biden Administration (From One Disaster to the Next):

Joe Biden, many democrats, and similar ilk are wrecking everything they touch:

(01)     INFLATION: inflation is at a 40 year high;  irresponsible spending;  massive waste;  making the U.S. energy dependent on other nations:

SPENDING, DEBT, and INFLATION:  Many $TRILLIONS in spending in less than 2 years, and attempts to spend more (with more debt, more interest on the debt, and more long-lasting inflation);

WAR ON FOSSIL FUEL: skyrocketing fuel prices (highest gasoline prices ever, in inflation adjusted 2021 dollars); ; Before Joe Biden became president,  Joe Biden shut down pipelines;  increased fees and regulations for energy production, all for many democrats' war on fossil fuels (despite no adequate  alternatives yet), and continue to buy millions in natural gas and petroleum products from Russia, which is making Russia rich, and helping Russia with their invasion of Ukraine. The U.S.A. was energy independent and a net exporter of energy until Joe Biden became president. Under Joe Biden's administration, the U.S.A. no longer has energy independence, and hypocritically buys oil and petroleum from Russia, while Russia is invading Ukraine. In 2021, the U.S. imported about 245 Million barrels of crude oil from Russia.  The Joe Biden Administration can now claim another "first". For the first time ever (as of 18-MAY-2022), gasoline is over $4.00 per gallon in all 50 states.   On  6-NOV-2022, Joe Biden said “no more drilling...there is no more drilling...I haven’t formed any new drilling.”: 

WIDE-OPEN-BORDERS:  COVID19 and drugs are flowing across the border by the thousands per day (about 2 million per year); there are about 300 fentanyl deaths per day (over 108,000 per year);  for the first time ever, almost 5 million illegal immigrants entered the USA in 2021 and 2022;   most illegal immigrants are given a notice to appear in court in a few years (most never appear);   Joe Biden, many democrats, and similar ilk benefit by illegal immigration by obtaining more electoral votes (based on the population and census);   40% of illegal immigrants reside in California and Texas;  about one hundred people on the terror watch-list have been apprehended at the border in 2022, but how many were got-aways?  

The 19 perpetrators of the terrorist attack (which killed 2,977 immediately, and almost 10,000 subsequently) on the Twin Towers in New York City on 11-SEP-2001 were illegal immigrants, 18 of the 19 terrorist hijackers on 11-SEP-2001  possessed state-issued and/or counterfeit driver's licenses or ID cards, and ALL 19 had (somehow) obtained Social Security numbers. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, and the others were from the United Arab Emirates(2), Egypt(1), and Lebanon(1). All  19 were affiliated with Al-Qaeda.  Yet, our borders are wide-open?   This is why

FENTYNAL:  Joe Biden's open-border policies makes Joe Biden the best friend of the drug cartels, and contributes to 300 deaths per day (100,000 per year), due to fentanyl.

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATIONthe massive cost of illegal immigration:

(07)    COVID19 VACCINESOn 7-OCT-2021,  Joe Biden tried to take credit for starting the COVID19 Vaccine program: 
Actually, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris disparaged the COVID19 Vaccine program started during the previous administration:

(08)     COVID19 MANDATES:  defunding and firing police, firing doctors, nurses, fire fighters, truck drivers, dock workers, etc. due to COVID19 mandates;  Joe Biden promoted vaccine mandates, after initially promising to not impose vaccine mandates;

CRT:  Indoctrination of our children with Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools and universities;  the ensuing war by the FBI on parents and equating parents to terrorists;

(10)     AFGHANISTAN DISASTER: (hundreds of unnecessary deaths; 13 U.S. troops killed; bass-ackwards evacuation of troops BEFORE U.S. citizens, many hundreds (perhaps thousands) of U.S. citizens and SIV holders stranded in Afghanistan); 

(11)     FUELING RACISM:  and hate, indoctrination in public schools,  and pitting U.S. citizens against each other, and pitting U.S. citizens and illegal immigrants against each other: ; (look familiar?);

(12)     LAWLESSNESS and CORRUPTION:  weaponization and perversion of laws: ; ; (illegal peddling influence, threatening national security); 
(13)     POLITICALLY MOTIVATED LAWLESSNESS:  The Joe Biden administration failed to enforce existing laws that make it illegal to protest at Supreme Court Justices' homes. A man was subsequently arrested who came to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh. ; Up to 900 protesters at the capitol on 06-JAN-2021 have been imprisoned for what amounts to trespassing, and/or vandalism, and/or assault (in deplorable conditions, and without an option for bail), for what was a riot (not an insurrection).   There were a few bad-actors, but 1 year later, no one had been charged as an "insurrectionist": ; Meanwhile, in D.C.,  people are often arrested daily for more serious crimes, and are released (often, without any bail required);

(14)     RAMPANT CRIME:  due to many democrats' policies of no-bail, catch-and-release, defunding police, which drastically increased gun sales as more people seek more self-defense measures (many first-time gun-owners):  (mostly, big-blue cities that defunded police, and eliminated bail requirements); ;

(15)     RAMPANT VOTER-FRAUD: Biden said on 24-NOV-2020 election: "We have put together I think the most expansive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

(16)     STUDENT DEBT:   Congratulations if you have no student debt - now you do! 
Joe Biden issued an executive order (to buy votes) to forgive student debt (which could cost tax payers up to $1 TRILLION, which is about $8,100 per household);  yet another example of blatant election tampering, since it is an empty promise, because it is unconstitutional;

(17)     SUPPLY CHAINsupply chain and cargo backup issues;  empty store shelves; missing and incompetent Secretary of Transportation;

(18)     BABY FORMULA DISASTER: Due to federal policies, subsidies, and incompetence,  there are only a few large producers of baby formula.  Also, government policies led to fewer producers, and reliance on foreign producers.  Joe Biden is now begging foreign producers to produce more baby formula (in the same way Joe Biden was begging OPEC, Russia, and Venezuela to produce more oil).  The federal government is also the biggest customer of the baby formula companies, and about half of all formula sold in the U.S. is paid for by WIC (a supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children).  
Joe Biden is Making the World More Dangerous:  Joe Biden, and his incompetent and nefarious minions is why our enemies are testing us today:  (the world is becoming more dangerous)  (Biden is making the world a more dangerous place)  (Biden branded worst president in U.S. history)
(20)    Joe Biden is incompentent:   And you don't have to be a doctor to know that.  Joe Biden's mental issues are a serious national-security problem.  In late OCT-2022, Joe Biden said "the economy is strong as hell.",   and Joe Biden also said that "I'm not worried about inflation".   Not sure what planet Joe Biden is on.  You be the judge:  

(21)    Joe Biden is wrecking the naton:   All of the above has resulted in 50-year high of $9 TRILLION in market losses in year 2022: 


Joe Biden Said:
(21) Joe Biden said: “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
(22) Joe Biden tells voters "you ain't black" if you're still deciding between Biden and Trump.
(23) Joe Biden told a diverse crowd, including many African Americans, that Mitt Romney would "put you all back in chains".
(24) Joe Biden said: “You cannot go to A 7-Eleven Or Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent”.
(25) February 2007: Biden said: Obama is "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean”.
(26) Joe Biden seeks to clarify comment that Latino community is diverse, "unlike the African American community".
(27) 1977:  Joe Biden said: Integrating black students would turn schools into "A jungle . . . A racial jungle".
(28)  Joe Biden lies about his degrees, grades in Law School, about being arrested in South Africa, a silver star, etc.:
(29) Joe Biden plagiarizes speeches:
(30) Joe Biden (HHMMmmmmm, creepy . . . but you be the judge):  (must sign in to Google account to see)
(31) Biden family receiving money from Russia, China, and Ukraine:  
 See Video:  ,
 The text message from Hunter Biden implicates Joe Biden in illegal and unethical influence peddling (or worse):
 Money from Russia, China, Ukraine . . ..
(32) Joe Biden (against the advice of the military, despite Biden's lies to the contrary) evacuated troops before U.S. civilians and U.S. allies, resulting in many deaths and left  thousands of U.S. citizens stranded in Afghanistan. This is Joe Biden's fault:
(33) Joe Biden said one month before the NOV-2020 election:
(34)  Voter-Fraud during the NOV-2020 election and for many decades prior:  
How does anyone explain geo-tracking data that shows thousands of mules each delivering 5 (on average) ballots to 50 (38 on average) mail-in-ballot-drop-boxes?
(35) 160 years of history of the democrats and their policies and deeds
(36) Joe Biden accuses republicans of being dangerous.   Who's really moblike?

Joe Biden's Policies, Tax Plans, and Statements:

(01) Joe Biden wants to increase Income and Payroll taxes from:  37%  to  52.0%;
(02) Joe Biden wants to increase Small-Business Taxes from:  29.6%  to  39.6%;
(03) Joe Biden wants to increase Capital Gains Taxes from23.8%  to  43.4%;
(04) Joe Biden wants to increase Corporate Taxes from 21%  to  28% (or possibly as high as 35%); corporate taxes (essentially a hidden tax on consumers) higher than the global average of 20% is part of the reason so  many companies moved out of the USA;
(05) Joe Biden called higher taxes "patriotic";
(06) Joe Biden said he was going to shift some funding away from police;
(07) Joe Biden was silent about the violence in many cities (e.g., and claimed it was peaceful protesting, until his poll numbers started to suffer;
(08) Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to give healthcare to illegal immigrants;
(09) Kamala Harris wants to tear down the border walls; millions have trespassed U.S. borders in 2021, and few (if any) were tested for COVID19;
(10) Joe Biden wants to open the borders wide open; And he did;
(11) Joe Biden wants to end "Bail" like DeBlasio did in New York, and you can see how that's working out in New York City;
(12) Joe Biden wants Reparations for black people;
(13) Joe Biden is against school choice;
(14) Joe Biden wants more nuclear power (which is expensive and potentially dangerous;  consider Chernobyl, Fukashima, 3-Mile Island, other scrammed reactors due to earthquakes, accidents, etc.; as of 2014, there have been more than 100 serious nuclear accidents and incidents from the use of nuclear power. 57 accidents or severe incidents have occurred since the Chernobyl disaster, and about 60% of all nuclear-related accidents/severe incidents have occurred in the USA.). Mistakes happen, but nuclear reactor mistakes can be disastrous, and can affect the entire nation, and the world; builders often cut corners on construction; and nuclear reactors could be targets for terrorists; also, there's no easy ways to dispose of the nuclear waste;
(15) Joe Biden will end all off-shore oil drilling, and on all federal lands also;
(16) Joe Biden will tax carbon emissions;
(17) Joe Biden will renew horrible Iran deal;
(18) Joe Biden will renew the Paris Agreement, to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change (another hoax that ignores population growth of 235,000 per day, and current global temperatures that are near the coldest temperatures over the last 2 Billion years:
(19) Joe Biden said he will hire Beto O'Rourke to limit or eliminate 2nd Amendment rights, and wants a weapon registry;
(20) Joe Biden is OK with abortion and using tax payers' money to pay for abortions;
(21) Joe Biden wants to return to the failed ACA.
(22) Joe Biden wants to expand medicare to others (perhaps, illegal immigrants? Kamala Harris does too);
(23) Joe Biden wants to give citizenship to illegal immigrants;
(24) Joe Biden wants to raise capital gains taxes; Trump already raised the highest-income level of capital gains from 15% to 20%, and are now subject to some Medicare taxes;
(25) Joe Biden wants wealth taxes (on the highest earners); does that amount to discrimination?
(26) Joe Biden says "Don't worry so much about China".
(27) Joe Biden says "Don’t use tariffs to pressure countries".
(28) Joe Biden supports joining the CPTPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership).
(29) Joe Biden, the plagiarizer, has no room to be calling any one else a liar:
(30) Joe Biden picked his VP based on race and gender first;
(31) Joe Biden wants to forgive student debt (which could cost tax payers up to $1 TRILLION); Congratulations if you have no student debt - now you do!
(32) Joe Biden's short term memory is shot, and you don't need to be a doctor to recognize it;
(33) Joe Biden has been in government since he was age 30 (almost 50 years), and has NO clue about running a business, much less the government;
(34) Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1.5 Billion in funding to Ukraine, unless the Ukraine prosecutor ceased his investigation into the company that Joe's son (Hunter Biden) was working for (a very cu$hy position paying $70K or more per month!); an example of a true Quid-Pro-Quo;  ;
(35) Go to:, it was  redirected to  and was later redirected to
Politifact reached out to the campaign about the redirect but did not hear back (as of 25-SEP-2020);

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